Friday, May 30, 2014

API Gateway How to condition a result based on some JSON data


We need to develop the policy routing flow based on the incoming message What is the way to do the content based routing and condition based routing in OAG. 

For example I have two (may be more) types of JSON message response from a service . I want to set the message based on the JSON response from service . What is the way to develop in this in OAG. . 

Here is the two JOSN response from service that OAG is calling . 

JSOA Type-1 

JSON Type-2 
{"soapenv:Envelope": {"@xmlns:soapenv": "", "env:Header": {"@xmlns:env": ""}, "env:Body": {"@xmlns:env": "", "env:Fault": {"@xmlns:xs": "", "@xmlns:xsi": "", "faultcode": "soapenv:Server", "faultstring": null, "detail": {"java:UserAlreadyExistsException": {"@xmlns:java": "", "java:message": "UserAlreadyExists" }}}}} 

For JSON Msg 1 I want to set the message 
{"Message": "User Created successfully"} 

For JSON Msg 2 I want to set the message 
{"Message": "UserAlreadyExists"} 

We can implement this using the Scripting Language filter as follows: 

function invoke(msg) { 

// get the body as JsonNode 
var node = com.vordel.mime.JSONBody.getJSON(msg); 

// get the root 
var root = node.path("soapenv:Envelope"); 

// get the value of reference from body 
var envBody = root.path("env:Body"); 

// get the value of reference from Fault 
var envFault = envBody.path("env:Fault"); 

if (envFault .size() != 0) 
// Follow the line for the message with error 
// get the value of reference from detail 
var detail = envFault.path("detail"); 

// get the value of reference from UserAlreadyExistsException 
var javaUser = detail.path("java:UserAlreadyExistsException"); 

// get the value of reference from message 
var javaMessage = javaUser.path("java:message"); 

// get the text value 
var message = javaMessage.getTextValue(); 

// put the data in the result 
msg.put("message", "UserAlreadyExists"); 
return true; 

// get the value of reference from createUserAccountResponse 
var mesCreateUserAccountResponse = envBody.path("mes:createUserAccountResponse"); 
if (mesCreateUserAccountResponse .size() !=0) 
// Follow the line for the Success 

// get the value of reference from mesCreateUserAccountResponse 
var mesCreateUserAccountOutput = mesCreateUserAccountResponse.path("mes:createUserAccountOutput"); 

// get the value of reference from mesCreateUserAccountOutput 
var mesStatus = mesCreateUserAccountOutput.path("mes:status"); 

// get the text value 
var message = mesStatus.getTextValue(); 

// put the data in the result 
msg.put("message", "User Created successfully"); 

return true; 

1 comment:

  1. To conditionally modify the result from an API Gateway, you can typically use policies or rules within the API Gateway tool you are working with. How File Parse Here's a general outline of how you might approach this.
